as i read thru my friend's email. i noticed that i also received the same thing from God. as we all know, Christmas is just around the corner.even when december approached. i've been praying that i will truly understand this special season in my life.
PERSONAL UNDERSTANDING. Not the sunday school type
of understanding about Christmas
but a pure understanding and conviction that
comes from the Holy Spirit of what Christmas is all about.
Not just a general knowledge about Christmas,
it's not how much do i know about Jesus birth story
or his family tree, geneology or geographically
or the exact date and season when he was born.
or how many christmas carols i can memorize.
but the kind of knowledge that brought me to my knees
knowing that i am doom to die if Christ didnt came to earth.
the kind of knowledge that will increase
my love towards my Jesus.
the kind of knowledge that brings conviction to my heart
acknowledging that my soul needs a Savior.
the kind of knowledge that will make my heart overflows
with thanksgiving and new songs of love.
and yes the Holy Spirit unveiled the truth one by one.
i am overwhelmed as He explain.
"For God so loved the world"
blows me away as i truly understood what it meant.
king solomon wrote,
"...Oh, lover and beloved, eat and drink!Yes, drink deeply of your love!"
in holman's bible translation wrote,
" Eat, friends! Drink, be intoxicated with love! "
monday night the Lord spoke in my heart if i want to understand his love dont calculate (because his love is beyond measure, our logic cannot contain his unfailing love) but drink deeply of His love, yes drink. until it satisfy you. i simply read his word and the
Holy spirit unveiled the truth, all i did is drink...
drink deeply of His love.
the more i understand this love story the more i am
intoxicated by his unfailing love.
Christmas is a love story of a Creator and His creation.
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
4 hours ago
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