Past few weeks I felt free, peaceful and FREEE!!..heehhehe. I felt I do gain my privacy life back.
I’m talking about social networking. I’ve deleted all my account in any website that I’m in. though all these is not my main reason why I took this decision.
They keep on asking me. Why? Why? Why?... why do I delete my account. What’s the big deal? Why you delete your account Sheila?
I do ask myself again and again. And it’s not worth answering them. I mean they will not understand.
When I open my account, I saw all the pictures, how I have lived my life, I saw all the words that I’ve spoken and written. I saw all the nonsense I did.hahaha… and I hate it. yes, there were happy moments and ect but I don’t want to stay the same, I don’t want to do the same thing, living the same life, having the same mentality, speaking the same words, laughing the same jokes, tolerating the same sin and others.
Deleting all my account is just a symbol of me letting go of my past. It’s just a symbol. looking at my old photos challenged me to change. i know people kept telling me i've changed drastically, but im not content. i want GOd to change me more like him.When I deleted my account, It felt terrible but im telling myself that im going to let go off my past and be a changed person by God's grace. i will not dwell in my past failures, my past hurts, my past dissapoinments.
In these past few years, there are so many things I’ve experienced, the wonderful, blissful moments and also hellish moments. Where I told God just take my life, unfortunately I’m still breathing… hehehe. I’m just telling myself that all this social networking have no authority over my life coz I felt I’m addicted to it. For some they will just laugh all the way though they know they’ve addicted to something that doesn’t worth at all. I’ve wasted hours and hours doing social networking, wasted money and my energy.
Like what I’ve said, it’s just a symbol. Social networking is not evil, really, it’s not.
This action that I’ve taken, it’s not applicable to some…hahhaa… this is my personal opinion and conviction; I felt this is the right thing. It didn’t do any good thing in my life for the past few years. I don’t want to remain in the same place and doing the same thing over and over again.
The Lord is dealing with me since the day my mum went to be with the Lord until today. And the Holy Spirit has work tremendously in and out of me, reminding me and encouraging me to make things right in my life, those little2 things that at first I thought was not a big deal actually it is. To make things right between me and God and towards others.
it's time to clean this old house, time to leave all the madness behind, time to move on, time to leave what is unnecessary, leave what is temporal chase what is eternal:)...
I was reading this book called “the power of prayer”by R.A Torrey. he mentioned, we profess ourselves Christian but does God rule in EVERY DEPARTMENT of our life?
The word “every department” just makes me ponder over my life… does he?
Does he rule over my speech? My thoughts? My facebooking? My every decision?
In the book of 2 timothy and Titus, Paul encouraged both to LIVE our life according to God’s word... "In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us...So that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive” Does my account reflect God? I don’t know, but I don’t think so..hehehe..
I’m going to make a new one in near future but this time I want to make it right. I want to delight my self in the Lord in every thing that I do. EVERYTHING!
But for this season I want to take a break from social networking and examine my life. I really enjoyed this privacy at this moment and it really make me more focused to what i've been called to do.
And for some reason, my heart felt peace after deleting all my account. I don’t know why, but I felt peace and I know I’m doing the right thing. People can say whatever they want. My sister called me weird…hahhahaa… but I am assured with my decision because I have this peace: )
after reading all these, you dont have to agree with me, seriously...hehhee..
To devote oneself to Christ is the most fulfilling life I can say.
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
5 hours ago
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