Sunday, September 27, 2009

things running thru my mind.....bla..bla..bla..'s been few days, weeks i think i havent posted anything...
well nothing significance happen to me lately except that im always overwhelmed by God's love:)
haha...arrrggghh...i cant think of anything to talk about..maybe because i need to get enough sleep that the inspiration will excuse to get enough o ya, guess what while praying for 3 days i manage to compose 3songs..that's unbelieveable, i mean not a singer nor am i a composer or lyricist. im just a worshipper who loves her God..that's all... but thru the inspiration of the holy spirit, we manage to finish 3songs in 3days.. i'll post it here as soon as im finish with it..hehehhe...i dont know if it's sounds good in your ear but yeah..who held such a deep meaning for me...bc it's something that i wrote for God from my heart...hehehe....

Thursday, September 17, 2009

101 myth in worship leading....

hehehe...this is funny but TRUE:)..i copied this from my friend and hope you'll be blessed:)
1. If I don't know the song I can't worship!
2. A Chris Tomlin song has to be played every Sunday otherwise worship does not happen.
3. Taylor Guitars are the only guitars endorsed by God for true worship.
4. If the tempo is dragging or rushing, it's ALWAYS the drummer's fault.
5. Songs need to be slow to create an atmosphere of worship.
6. You should always talk and adlib as much as possible, because everyone knows that you can't usher in the presence of God by just being quiet and obedient.
7. That worship music is a specific "genre".
8. Being a great musician probably makes you a great Worship Leader.
9. Being a great singer means you are a great worship leader.
10. Worship Leaders spend their days sitting in their office strumming a Taylor and communing with God.
11. The lyrics are so inspiring, they'll sing along even if they don't like the music.
12. You're lazy if your worship is spontaneous.
13. Worship leaders only work about 10 hours a week.
14. Worship leaders only need to show up on Sunday morning, everything else can be delegated. 15. It's all about "THE MUSIC"!
16. You're not truly worshipping if you don't stand still, wear a tight suit, sing from a hymn book at an octave too high to be comfortable.
17. Worship leaders have an extensive background of religion and music training.
18. If the Words are on a screen, more people will sing!
19. All of us need to play all of the time or the worship stops!
20. Everyone in the congregation listens to the local Christian radio station, so we have to play the songs that are popular on that station right now.
21. It takes perfect people performing perfectly to lead others into Father's presence.
22. "Praise" = fast music, "Worship" = slow music.
23. True worship can only be attained using skilled professional musicians and vocalists who rarely make mistakes.
24. If the devil is in the church, he's in the sound system.
25. It's always easier when the Senior Pastor suggests songs.
26. That each worship song has to last at least ten minutes.
27. If you don't repeat the same lyrics 150 times the congregation just won't get the message.
28. Matching Clothes, Matching Smiles, Matching Movements Helps the congregation Enter in to WORSHIP and lends to a better 'Atmosphere'.
29. You have to start with fast lively "praise" music and bring it down to slower "worship" music to get everyone in the mood for the sermon.
30. Distorted guitars have no place in the church.
31. Neither do drummers.
32. Guitars need to be loud to 'feel right'.
33. If you remind the singers nicely about not pointing their mics at the monitors, they'll actually pay attention.
34. If you request that the mic stands go away, since the words are on the enormous screen on the back wall, the singers will actually pay attention.
35. Talking into a mic is a good enough way to check your levels.
36. Every song has to have a blazing guitar solo for the 'emotional impact'.
37. The music *written* is the ONLY way to sing a song.
38. Bass guitar has to be 'static' and just thump out the root of the chords.
39. Bass guitar has to walk all over every song, no matter how much of a detractor it is to the worship experience. 40. Your team must all stand in place.
41. When you raise your hands to God in praise, you are doing it because it's written in the music.
42. You can please all your parishioners.
43. Translating Western Hymn books is how we teach developing world converts how to worship.
44. We need a worship band to lead worship.
45. It is not worship if we do not have music.
46. "I can't worship to THAT music."
47. Only hymns are anointed.
48. Only modern music is anointed.
49. Hymns are only anointed if they are "modernized."
50. Leading worship is easy to pick up.
51. You have to play an instrument to lead worship.
52. It's a part time ministry and you have loads of spare time.
53. It's somehow superior to other ministries.
54. All worship leaders know what their doing.
55. if we make a mistake in the middle of worship, we just kill the anointing right then and there, and might as well go home.
56. Worship leading is not a gift; anyone with a guitar(keyboard) can do it.
57. Worship leaders do not need to be paid; they can live off their love of music.
58. Times of worship are not as important at the sermon; a token song or two will suffice.
59. I'm singing a song from my heart to God into a microphone, therefore it's okay that I suck. 60. Worship depends on how I (the leader) am feeling.
61. All singers (usually 3-4) must always just the melody line to get people to sing along.
62. All singers must find a harmony part to compliment the lead singer in the song
63. God only likes music in G-shape.
64. Every single vocalist needs to be heard from the back of the room, loud and clear.
65. Professional worship leaders (recording artists) are best qualified to teach us about or write books about how to lead worship.
66. Worship just happens!
67. Worship is secondary to good preaching.
68. Hours must be spent in preparation.
69. Good worship leaders are born not made.
70. The worship of traditional denominations is dead.
71. Contemporary rock worship is of the devil.
72. Only men can lead worship.
73. Before Christ no one worshiped the living God.
74. True worshippers are most expressive.
75. There has to be music to have worship.
76. You have to be a good singer to be a good worship leader.
77. Tone=Volume.
78. If you use an amp your priorities are wrong.
79. Anyone can walk into practice and perform with the team the following Sunday.
80. You can always use more singers.
81. Anyone who can sing can lead worship.
82. Worship leaders only listen to worship music.
83. Speeding up the tempo makes the song better.
84. Playing power chords and "chugging" make a song more modern.
85. A Bass Player cannot lead Worship.
86. Any anointed female lead worship singer has to be blond, gorgeous and has bluebirds tweeting about her head when she sings.
87. Worship has to be vocal music - the instruments are just accompaniment.
88. Worship begins when the music starts and ends when the music stops.
89. The worship band has to play the music exactly as it is on CD (even if that means trying to emulate a 100 piece orchestra) or the song cannot be used.
90. Leading Worship (or being in the worship band) means I get to play all my favorite songs!
91. All worship leaders have to play guitar and sing lead (usually acoustic guitar) or maybe keys. 92. Guitarists are cheating if they use a capo.
93. Worship leaders must always have their eyes closed.
94. Worship leaders must always have their eyes open.
95. Your worship team practices as much as you do.
96. Everyone in the team can transpose in their head.
97. You can’t be in the worship team if you’re over 60.
98. You can’t be in the worship team if you’re under 16.
99. If a song works well in practice it will work well during the service.
100. Worship leaders love being spontaneously asked to play specific songs during the service. 101. It was the sound guy's fault - oh wait, that one's true!


Song of Songs 8:6,7

Set me as a seal upon your heart,
As a seal upon your arm;
For love is as strong death,
Jealousy as cruel as the grave;
It’s flames are flames of fire,
A most vehement flame.

Many waters cannot quench love,
Nor can the floods drown it.

God’s love is intense for us..
Even though I have been a Christian since I was young
I tend to embrace this half truth about God’s love.
His love is shallow and seasonal.
His love, well it depends on God’s mood.
His love…ermmm…sometimes it can grow cold.
Like a husband loves his wife
Like a sister loves his brother
A boyfriend girlfriend relationship.
I just realize how ignorant I am
I know His love is more than that but I cannot grasp…

We can grow cold, and many times our ‘feeling’ towards our spouse and friends can become dull and tasteless that if we human being do not do something about our relationship it will end up in divorce and separation…you have to WORK it out in your relationship

But God’s love, we don’t have to ‘work’ out something in order for him to love us.
He loved us even before creation.
Even before I was conceived in my mother’s womb He saw me in His heart and mind

(I know some of you will say…well, Sheila there’s many definition of love in Hebrew and ect…)And I do apologize if this note is ‘incomplete’ and im not really good at theological all those stuff but as of now I am overly overwhelmed by God’s love…hehehehe

His love is so INTENSE, INTOXICATING, PASSIONATE, EXTREME, POWERFUL that Jesus, He was not sentenced by His father to die for us, HE CHOOSE to lay down His life, HE CHOOSE! What drives Him to die for the ‘unworthy’ me… it’s this undeserved love :)

Im currently reading some of the book in the OT and it was very surprising that He is truly a jealous God, A JEALOUS GOD.He love us deeply that He is jealous whenever we turn our heart to other lovers...God in His great mercy and love will do whatever it takes to win back the heart of His beloved…He is a jealous God. He didn’t do all these to gain anything from us (by the way, what do we have? we are poor, helpless, and naked before God took us in His care) instead He wanted to lavish us His love and abundance blessing and I love the fact that He will not relent, give up, idle, stay rest until He own our wicked and deceitful heart… He wanted to make it new. I love it!

NO wonder Abraham willing to lay down his son,
No wonder David dance like a madman before God and his people,
No wonder Peter didn’t hang himself after he denied Christ 3times

Songs of Solomon best describes it : )
It’s one of my all time favorite book, it was this book that unveil my eyes and spirit to a new level of relationship with God, deeper intimacy.
I am blown away with this truth that He is a jealous God and His love is intense for us.
I am privileged that in this temporal life I met eternity, an everlasting God.
I am privileged to be loved by God who is jealous and His love towards me is intense.
I am, we are His prize possession :)

Song of Songs 2

He brought me to the banqueting house,
And His banner over me was love.
Sustain me with cakes of raisins,
Refresh me with apples,
For I am lovesick

His left hand is under my head,
And His right hand embraces me

Thursday, September 10, 2009


random stuff about me:)

1. people gave me this word after they get to know me.... wacky...hehhee... i am, but i can be really serious when needed...hehehe...

2. i bought myself a ring:)...a wedding's a reminder for me that i am His possesion, His beloved:)..

3. breakfast-i used my hand to eat (biscuits, bread ect)... lunch- i used chopstick... dinner i used spoon and fork....hmmmmmm...i just realized that...

4.i walk fast...i mean i can walk really far no one can beat me!..hahhaha

5.i hate typical,shallow, monotonos kind of life...i do not want to rest in one place...i believe there is MORE to life:)

6.i've been falsely accused few times for having an affair with people's husband..and the funny thing is some i dont even know their husband and the rest, i dont even talk...weirdo:P...

7.i love Chocolate...with nuts:) be honest i love to eat!:)...yum yum...

8. i have 3amazing 'em!

9.i am analytical..i analyze stuff...i think and think..think deep...and love being curious not a movie lover but im a book freak:)

11.i love fashion but i believe in modesty...i find it funny girls who profess themself Christian and wearing half naked clothe..hahhaha...

12. i love heels, but i hate wearing them...makes me feel SUPER tall...ggrrrrr.....hehehhee

13.i like to look at my feet while walking..hehehe...