i was talking with my boss this afternoon about mission,
christian history, how great man and women of Christ
pay the price in order to see others being saved,
they even poured out their life for God's glory
and for unreached people group. after he shared his
story he lend me an article called "on the Silk Road"
4/14 statistic on the Silk Road
18 million Turks are under 15
Azerbaijan has 200,000 children
who are Internally Displaced Persons.
Kazakhstan has 80,000 orphans
China has at least 6,000,000 unregistered children
1 in 4 Afghan children dies before their 5th birthday
Tehran, Iran, has 25,000 child squatters
who live on the streets, where growing drug use
And prostitution are leading to social crisis
On the other hand we live life too comfortable, complacent, contented, and carefree.
Our eyes instead of seeing the suffering of those who are without Jesus, is being mesmerized by entertainment, fashion, and even by our own gated community which we called “church” has evolve and becoming more like a country club where there are plenty of activities that keeps you busy throughout the year until you overlook the power of prayer.
Our hands, instead of reaching or should I say ‘snatch’ them from the devil’s clutch, our hands have become too ‘clean’ to even touch the unclean, the unloved, the hopeless.
Our ears, instead of hearing the plea, the cry of the oppressed, the poor, the widow and the orphan, we shut it with the sounds of music, loud music, loud Christian music.
Our feet, instead of direct it down the alley of suffering and self-denial, we run towards pleasure and wealth, “it’s much easier to walk on this wide trail” trying to ease our heart.
Our mouth, instead of declaring truth, peace, love, justice, we stitch it with the thread of fear. Fear of being thrown to jail, fear of being ridicule, fear of being mock, fear of being judge, fear of being persecuted for God sake and the Gospel.
Our mind, instead of having the mind like Christ, think like Christ, act like Christ, perceive things like Christ, love like Christ, suffer like Christ, rejoice like Christ, we have become corrupt! We fed our mind with entertainment, immorality and wickedness not forgetting all the rubbish that we read, see and hear.
Our heart, instead of burning with passion for Christ and compassion for the lost, it has become hard as stone, dull and lifeless and yet we profess we love the One who was pierced for our sake.
So I ask O God that you will stir our affection for Your Son, Jesus. Stir our heart!
We can only truly love the lost if we learn to love You genuinely.
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
5 hours ago
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