our theme for the upcoming church dedication is taken from the book of Esther, after one months praying and struggling in the end i felt peace after my friend told me the theme for our upcoming event, though it was a last minute thing because the music theme has practiced earlier weeks before our overseer informed us the theme. this past few weeks the Lord has taught me that He is sovereign, when my friend shared about their meeting, she encouraged me to read the book of Esther and pray about it...so i did...that night, it was sunday night, upon arriving home i open my bible and just study about the book, the story, pray until midnight... im not alone that night, the Holy Spirit was there, teaching me, guiding me, revealing things and etc. to be honest and as you can read in my previous blog, i've shared my thoughts and fears, uncertainty for this upcoming event, but the moment they told me that the theme have been changed instead of feeling more scared and terrified coz it cost us to change our songs and others, i felt peace and joy. in my physical eyes we lack in so many areas but in my Spirit im rest assured...
the key word is taken from chapter 4 where Mordecai told queen Esther
... "and who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"....
and i love how Esther responded to Mordecai
... "when this is done, i will go to the king, even though it is against the law.
the Lord has appointed His bride (churches) for such a time as this. we are living in the last days, we are in the verge of this culture, in a crossroad. we have two option here, either we rise up as a church and live the anti thesis life and willingly live a life abandon to God or we can fold our arms and just go with the flow of this evil culture and watch others dragging their feet to hell.
we need more people like Esther who will say "if i perish, I perish"
people who are willing to stand in the gap for their people and their land.
we need more people who will be radical about God and His gospel.
it's no more about Me, Myself and I...it's about being passionate for Christ
and having the compassion for the lost.To be mission minded, to be Kingdom minded!
though the book of Esther didnt mentioned the name of God but God include this book to be part of the Bible, to show us, the next generation that He will not fail His people. he has promised Abraham that He will watch over His people and true enough, He is faithful to His promises. As i read through the book of Esther i can see the hand of God in that intense situation, and i learned that a person's decision truly can bring an impact to the next generation. If Esther doesnt willing to die for her people surely the remnant that lives in that place will be wipe out in just a day but her selfless decision changes the course of history.
to be continued.....
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
44 minutes ago
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