Wednesday, June 10, 2009

You are who you are for a reason

last night as i glide thru my old notebooks i saw this card and a poem written from a good friend of mine.. it touched my heart and brought tears to my eyes...

many times we forget that God loves us simply for who we are... be bless:)

You are who you are for a reason
Your birth was not a mistake nor an accident.
You are here, created and molded for something special
You are unique and lovingly knitted on your mothers womb
In preparation for the future yet you do not have known.

You are who you are for a reason
The time, place and parents you have
Is an intricate plan planned by above.
You have no choice and cannot argue with it,
But to accept what is bestowed on you.

In time, you are created out of nothing
You grew out of nothing and worth nothing
Very few recognizes you and an outcast to many,
Yet, God redeemed you to lead.
For countless souls lost in a maze.

Every step you make has many obstacles on it,
Yet amidst earthquake, thunderstorm nor tsunamis
Cannot hinder the love you have to the maker,
For you are who you are for a reason.