25 days left before the church opening...and we all are nervous and i personally am scared.seriosuly i told GOd the last thing i want to do is to stand before thousands of people and lead them in worship..im not saying that im lazy or i do not want to serve GOd, no...it's just i do not want to put myself in front, i'd rather be in my clostet room and just pray...and pray and pray..and just fellowship with him, interceed, travail in my prayer and just sit at the feet of Jesus...it's truly a beautiful moment...it's kinda addicting also...
tom inglis supposed to lead the worship for this coming event but he's gonna be in south africa in march if im not mistaken so we have to take his place...so yeah...God works in mysterious ways...many times you felt that you're not ready but GOd saw the opposite, sometimes we thought we are ready but God knows we are not...so yeah...ill just faitfully serve Him...to lead His peole into worship, lead his people right into the mercy seat...
so what should i do with this 25days?...what should i do within this 25days?... i should consecrate my life...so yeah..im going restrain myself from few stuff...fasting, not just in food but also internet thingy...just want to exclude my self, exclude my mind from all these..and i want my mind to be filled with the word of GOD, with everything that is pure and lovely...
phillipians 4: 8
finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are godd report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, THINK of these things.
worship is more than singing songs, more than clapping our hands, more than creating melodies, it's more than the music and cool gadget...though it's also our expressions of love towards him..but worship is our lifestyle, how we conduct ourself, how we obey him, how we keep ourself holy for His namesake...worship is beyond the four corner walls of the church...it's about the condition of my heart and also to help those who are poor, to release those who are in bondage. to set the captives free, to defend the right of the orphans and the widows..to love the unloved and reach those who are perishing...it's about how intimate you are in your relationship with Christ, and when we stand on the pulpit the spirit will manifest itself trhough your life as you lead them they will feel the presence of God because everyday you keep the anointing and his presence became real in you and it'll overflow as you open your mouth and heart as you ascend with your songs to the throne of grace....
25days left...Lord please take this moment to examine my heart, my thougts, my motives...deal with me, keep my heart in the right direction..heal anything that has been torn down, heal and build again this altar of yours....
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
5 hours ago
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